How to Connect to University Wi-Fi on a Smart Device or Game System
In order to connect these devices, you'll need to register them and then connect them to our "PioneerNet-PSK" network.
Step 1 – Find your MAC address
In order to begin, you'll need to locate the Wireless/Wi-Fi MAC address of the device you're trying to connect. MAC addresses have a format of 00:00:00:00:00:00 or 00-00-00-00-00-00, with the zeros being replaced by numbers and letters. If you're unsure how to find your device's MAC address, a quick Google search should be able to help out.
Step 2 – Register your device
The next step is to register your device over at You'll need to be connected to the University Wi-Fi in order to access that site, so be sure your phone, tablet, or computer is connected to our network. Once you're there, you should see a login page:

It'll ask you for your University username and password, which should be the same as what you use to log into University computers and your email without the Next, you'll just need to click the "Continue" button on the following page, which should look something like this:

Once you've clicked the "Continue" button, you'll be brought to the page where you can see and manage your devices. When you first log in, it should look something like this:
Click on the "Add" button to add a device to the list of registered devices. You should be brought to a page that looks like this:

Here is where you'll fill out your device's information so it can be registered. It asks for the following information:
Device Name: The name you want to give your device (no apostrophe's allowed)
Device ID: Your device's Wireless/Wi-Fi MAC address, not the Wired/Ethernet MAC address
Description: The description you want to give your device
After you fill out the information, click on the "Submit" button. Please note that you can register up to 15 devices and that it can take up to 10 minutes for your device to be registered. It will continue to say "Pending" until you log in with that device for the first time.
Step 3 – Connect to PioneerNet-PSK
Once you've registered your device on our portal, you'll be able to join the "PioneerNet-PSK" network. Select that network on your device and use the passphrase "Pioneers!" in order to connect your device.
Step 4 – Enjoy
That’s it! Your smart device or game system should be connected to the "PioneerNet-PSK" network and ready for use.
If you still need assistance, feel free to submit a ticket by heading here, emailing us a, or by calling us at 412-392-3494.